VDAY Red & Lavender Rose Bouquet



The FTD® Red & Lavender Rose Bouquet beautifully expresses your love with its gorgeous combination of color and elegance. Rich red roses mingle with lavender roses accented with vibrant greens, all arranged in a clear glass vase to make a lasting impression on your special recipient.

  • GREAT bouquet includes 12 stems.
  • AWESOME bouquet includes 18 stems.
  • STUNNING bouquet includes 24 stems.
Please note: Pink roses may be used in exchange for Lavender roses due to availability.

Approx. 20H x 14W. 

Your purchase includes a FREE personalized gift message.


VDAY Red & Lavender Rose Bouquet

From $12000
The FTD® Red & Lavender Rose Bouquet beautifully expresses your love with its gorgeous combination of color and elegance. Rich red roses mingle with lavender roses accented with vibrant greens, all arranged in a clear glass vase to make a lasting impression on your special recipient.

  • GREAT bouquet includes 12 stems.
  • AWESOME bouquet includes 18 stems.
  • STUNNING bouquet includes 24 stems.
Please note: Pink roses may be used in exchange for Lavender roses due to availability.

Approx. 20H x 14W. 

Your purchase includes a FREE personalized gift message.

Bouquet SIze

  • Great
  • Awesome
  • Stunning
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